Company Profile


Nov. 1949 Founded as Ohnami Transportation and Warehouses Corporation.
Nov. 1960 Started warehouse operations.
May 1963 Listed on the Second Section of the Osaka Securities Exchange.
Jun. 1963 Started coastal shipping services.
May 1965 Opened Sakai office.
Jun. 1969 Affiliated Ohnami Land Transportation.
Feb. 1971 Opened Warehouse No.7 in Sakai office.
Dec. 1971 Obtained licenses for construction business.
Jul. 1976 Started packaging services.
Jul. 1998 Changed the company name to Ohnami Corporation.
Mar. 1999 Obtained license for customs broker business, and started services as customs broker.
Sep. 2004 Corporate vessel, Daiichi Ohnami (Ohnami No. 1), started service.
Apr. 2005 Corporate vessel, Daini Ohnami (Ohnami No.2), started service.
Sep. 2014 Corporate vessel, Daisan Ohnami (Ohnami No.3), started service.
Feb. 2016 Wholly owned by Hitachi Zosen Corporation.
Apr. 2018 Corporate vessel, Daigo Ohnami (Ohnami No.5), started service.